Upcoming First-Time Home Buyer Classes

Here is a list of some upcoming first-time home buyer classes. A certificate of completion or proof of enrollment in a first-time home buyers class is required with your application in order to be entered into the lottery. If your application is selected, a certificate of completion is required before you will receive a purchase agreement. Check back regularly as we will be adding more classes. This list is meant to help interested applicants find a class- it is not all-inclusive. Potential applicants are welcome to find a different class, as long as they receive a certificate of completion for a First-Time Home Buyers Class.

If you are interested in finding your own class, both the Massachusetts Housing Partnership and CHAPA have lists of available classes. If you have any questions about whether or not a class meets our requirements, please reach out! Below is a list of some upcoming classes- we recommend using the search tools above for a more complete list.

Holyoke Housing Authority

  • First Time Home Buyers Workshop
  • 3 Part Series- Participants must attend all parts to receive credit
  • September 10th, 11th, 12th from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
  • $25 fee for non-Holyoke residents
  • Registration Required, available through link below

Holyoke Housing Authority First-Time Homebuyers Class 

Valley Community Development 

  • Monthly 3-part First Time Home Buyers Webinars 
  • $50 for two adults in the same household to attend 
  • Classes available in English and Spanish
  • Registration Required 
  • More details, including registration link, can be found here:  

Valley Community Development First Time Home Buyer Classes


  • Self-guided online course 
  • $75 per person 
  • In order to receive a certificate of completion you must fulfill a one-on-one counseling session in addition to completing the online course. 
  • More details, including registration and information to schedule a counseling session, can be found here: 

Wayfinders First-Time Home Buyer Course

 Cambridge Community Development Department

  • Course Held Over Zoom
  • English
  • Free to attend
  • Registration Required

Register Here


  • Hybrid and Online Options
  • $45 per household (2 people)
  • Registration Required

Register Here

Brighton-Allston CDC

  • Online
  • $50 per person
  • English and Spanish Classes Offered

Register Here for English

Register Here for Spanish

Financial Education Associates

  • Online
  • English
  • $30 per person
  • Registration Required

Register Here

North Shore Realtors

  • Online
  • English and Spanish Classes Available
  • $45 for individuals or $75 for two-person household
  • Registration Required

Register Here